Go Clamming In Homer, Alaska . . . Then Throw Them on the Grill

Clamming is one of the most popular things to do on the Kenai Peninsula and Cook Inlet in Alaska. The beaches from just north of Homer to the Kasilof River mouth are home to one of only eight major concentrations of razor clams on the entire Pacific Coast.
If you plan on going clamming in Homer Alaska, Bob’s Piscatorial Pursuits offers clamming and fishing trips on the western side of the peninsula. Hop on a four-wheeler and head to the beaches of Homer with buckets and shovels, and let the experienced guides show you how to dig without breaking the shells.
Diggers are allowed 60 clams per person, and trips include cleaning and packaging. Take them back to your cabin at Alaskan Suites, throw them on the grill and eat them with butter and lemon as you take in views of Kachemak Bay.
Razor Clams
- Razor clams are found on most beaches, from Kasilof to the Spit
- Reach an average size of 3 ½” but are often 5-6″
- Season: July – August
- License: Valid fishing license
- Equipment: Shovels, boots, buckets and warm layered clothing
- Limit: No more than the first 45 clams dug
- Location: Clam Gulch at low tide, 20 miles north of Ninilchik, Deep Creek, Ninilchik and Whiskey Gulch
- Method: Look for the dimples in the sand. Dig fast and deep.
Butter, Steamer & Other Hard Shell Clams
- License: Call Fish & Game
- Equipment: A rake
- Limit: Call Fish & Game for size & bag limits
- Location: South side of Kachemak Bay and the East side of the Homer Spit
- Method: They are raked out of the gravel during minus tides near the water line. Rake carefully deeper into the beach until you uncover the white shells among the stones and pebbles. After harvesting, leave them in a bucket of sea water for several hours to allow them to clean themselves. A handful of cornmeal helps.